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Welcome to Evol PC Gaming!

Welcome to Evol PC Gaming and home of Advanced Simulation Products.  For whichever you are here for, you will need an account to see and post on the forums or to make your purchase.  If you are here to purchase a A.S.P. product, please visit the store here.

If you are here for our State of Emergency mod for GTA V using FiveM, please visit this page for everything you need to know about the mod.  Any information or questions you may have can probably be found in the forums or using the search function in the upper right.  

If you have any questions about SoE, please use the help section of the forums, but search for your answer first.  Thank you and welcome to EPCG! 

New Theme selection

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J Kelly

You may have noticed that your theme was reset. This was due to a huge site software update which took the site offline for a short time. I was able to get a new theme and edit it for a dark theme that most seem to like. Scroll all the way down to the bottom, you'll see Theme in the footer. Click that and click Chameleon and select it. Next, you can choose 1 of 10 background images or have it randomize for you as you change pages or refresh. The layout is a bit different and still needs some tweaks. The colors on the back end is not the easiest thing to work with and figure out, so bare with me. I hope you like it and I do plan on adding some others as they become available for this update.  


While I was at it, ads that were displaying on the site will no longer be seen by members with a donor tag. A small perk for donating to the community and no more pesky ads!

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