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About MsDeathRabbit

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Needs to get out more

Needs to get out more (4/10)

  1. First day of fishing and boating for SoE. July 14 2017
  2. First day of fishing and boating for SoE. July 14 2017
  3. First day of fishing and boating for SoE. July 14 2017
  4. First day of fishing and boating for SoE. July 14 2017
  5. Well the romance between Vivien and Saab has been crushed. She asked him for balance between the Leabois and her, and he chose the easy way out and pushed her aside. Vivien went to go take her own life in a failed suicide, and Dante Darkweed came to help her. He is showing her what a true friend is. Saab seemed to change his mind some and met her at the hospital as he apologize for the way things ended. And asked for forgivness,,, only time will tell.......

    This went throughout the day, but the real stuff starts at 7:40:41.... it is beautiful how chat loses their shit throughout the rest of this video.. watch for great laughs and bring the tissues!!!!

  6. This should have been MY movie role! 


    1. Fat Tony

      Fat Tony

      Did you actually do that?

      Also it says "This Year's Top Grossing Documentary!"

    2. MsDeathRabbit


      No,. another actress stole my spot!

  7. Photos from a drunk cliff diving excursion.. and yes I died.. my heel got stuck in a rock!

    Kal thought it would be funny to also drive our bus over the cliff.





  8. Apprently I robbed the bank with a cigarette, LMFAO!! #Oops


  9. Yea

    Ms. DeathRabbit.png

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MsDeathRabbit


      signature for forums

    3. Elefantenbot


      Oh, have overlooked them. Something new to do while i'm bored. Did already 4 Banners for a story type diary and im kinda bored while waiting for the server. ^^

    4. MsDeathRabbit


      Yea, I need to make more as well

  10. Spending a lovely evening on the shores of Paleto Bay for a dinner on the cliffside.





    1. JmxTwiztid


      Awesome scenery! (The ocean looks nice too) 

    2. MsDeathRabbit


      It was awesome. Nice peaceful setting with a cool breeze.

  11. Even in death I still look beautiful.....


  12. Photoshoot 4.19.2017

    Vivien is learning her way around the city of Los Santos and taking in the beautiful scenery.



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MsDeathRabbit


      Ahh yes, I do.. that's how you stay wrinkle free dear

    3. Elefantenbot


      Will keep that in mind. Thanks for the hint.

    4. KennyH


      "Los Santos iz a city zat you must grab by ze ballzac and sharge it 'ead on, and Madmoiselle Vivien appears prepared to do so!" - Prosper Trudeau

  13. Viv enjoying day at the docks!


  14. The beginning of Vivien Lake


  15. If you don't want to be a victim, simply become the monster


    1. Shreddy


      oh sheeeit... im scurred

    2. MsDeathRabbit


      You better be son!!! B|

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